Thursday, August 13, 2009

more fun things

We took the kids to the museum of ancient life on Tuesday. They had so much fun. For the month of August they have two dollar tuesdays, we were able to get the whole family in for just $8 what a deal!
If you don't like being around a million people it might not be such a great deal. I figured it would be busy just not quite as busy as it was. We had to wait in line for almost an hour before we even got in and then it was pretty crowded inside. The kids still had fun.

We had the Staten family reunion over the weekend. I think it was the coldest weekend in August in history. I checked the weather and thought it would be a little colder than normal but it was a lot colder than normal, the weather man was way off on the high temps for that weekend. We went to Riverdale and thankgoodness they have their natural flowing hot spring pool otherwise swimming would have been out of the question. Travis was a good sport though and took the kids down the water slides they are really liked it even though they always came back freezing.
My kids hung out in their pj's for most of the time on Sat. except when we were swimming because it was the warmest thing we had, because yes I forgot everyones jackets. I was so glad Sun. turned out to be warmer so we could enjoy a few more outside activities.

Since I had so much extra face paint from Chase's B-day party the kids think I need to paint their faces or arms all the time. Here is a few of the most recent ones we have done.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

fun days

I have missed posting all of the fun things that we have been doing lately. I will try and catch up on a few of them.

Chase's B-Day

We had Chase's B-Day party yesterday and did lots of fun things. We had a fish pond for the kids which they all loved. Then we did some face painting. Thanks to my mom for helping me out with this it was taking a long time to paint all of those little faces. We then did some balloon tying. I practiced all week for this, it is actually quite easy. Then we broke the pinata which of course was a big hit! After that we opened presents and had cake and ice cream. I was worried about how the party was going to turn out thankfully it turned out really good, and everyone had fun. Chase got some pretty cool presents. His favorite of course was his new riding gear he had to come home and try it all on so I could take a picture of him.
24th of July weekend

We did a lot of fun things over the 24th weekend. On the 23rd we went to park and the kids were able to get their faces painted (Kayla's arm), play many games and ride ponies. They also got to slide down the biggest blow up slide I have ever seen. Chase tried climbing a rock wall and made it almost to the top. He did really good.
That night we went to the parade which was so long it lasted for 2 hours. We then came back to our house and enjoyed pizza and talking until the fireworks started. It is so nice to be able to watch the fireworks from our front lawn.
On the 24th we went camping and had a lot of fun riding the 4 wheelers. Chase and Kayla are getting really good at riding.
Fun Pics