Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas fun!

Kayla's preschool did an impromptu nativity today she was a lamb and was so excited about it. I took my camera but when I got there it decided not to work so I wasn't able to get any pictures of it. Then they sang us some christmas songs. It is always so fun to see your kids perform. I love watching their faces light up.

Later this evening Chase and Kayla did their Christmas gymnastics program they both did such a great job. They each got to do one of each of the tricks that they have learned this year. I am really impressed with how well they are doing.

After their program they had some dancers come out and perform, I had to hold back my tears as I thought about Kylee, Curtis and Tami. It always makes me feel so sad to think that her dance performance that morning is the last memory she will have of her and her parents.

I do feel a great amount of comfort though because I know that this was part of God's plan. Curtis and Tami have started a great work in heaven as well as for the rest of us still here on this earth. I am so glad they were both a part of my family!


Daryl and Ashley said...

Oh... Jen, don't hold the tears back they need to run. We love you and are thinking about you!

Jamie said...

Sounds like you guys have been busy with some fun activities. If you move back up here, we would love to come and join in on your kids adventures. I'm sure its fun to watch them grow and learn and do new things!

Hope to see you sometime this week!

Merry Christmas!